What Bach flower remedy for Anxiety (2)

As established in the article ‘What Bach Flower Remedy ‘ there is an absolute need to identify what kind of concern you are experiencing in your current anxiety state in order to achieve a balanced state and total peace of mind.

The remedies Rescue remedy, Mimulus, Aspen, Red Chestnut and Elm were discussed earlier. These remedies respectively balance anxieties associated with heightened emotional states, general known fears, unknown fears, fear for someone else’s situation and the anxiety associated with a temporary sudden loss of confidence in one’s abilities.

We need to address in fact, what is an anxiety state and in doing so we begin to enable ourselves to treat it. Very usually anxiety arises from a persistent negative thought that causes enough mental and emotional conflict within us to impinge on our peace of mind. Sleep and eating patterns may be affected and more severe anxiety can present as panic attacks where we feel we are losing control to manage these negative thoughts and emotions at risk of becoming overwhelmed.

If we allow ourselves to recognise that Bach Flower Remedies comprise of thirty eight different remedies, one for every possible thought and emotion that is out of balance, we can see that it is essential that we need to identify and target the emotion of concern for treatment.  Sometimes a specific emotion comprises of several layers of emotions. For instance if we are feeling we can’t cope with a new deadline. We need to ask ourselves a few questions. Are we unable to cope because we actually think we are not good enough? (Crab Apple may need to be considered) or that we do not deserve this responsibility or opportunity (Pine would be appropriate) or maybe we just do not have any confidence in our abilities at all and we feel like giving up (Larch). Fear of failure may predominate our thoughts: (Mimulus would be effective here).  All four emotions could be coming into play at the same time so we need to balance all four emotions by taking all four remedies to feel more competent and capable in dealing with such challenges successfully. However we could find ourselves just dealing with the single emotion of just losing temporary confidence in ourselves with such a deadline, where we are normally quite competent would command using the Bach flower remedy Elm.

Anxiety ridden emotions resulting in panic attacks will be balanced by the remedy Rock Rose which was briefly touched upon in an earlier Part 1 article on choosing remedies for the anxieties. Do be aware that when choosing remedies we also look at personality types. It is not unusual for a person prone to experience anxieties frequently, may in fact be a ‘Mimulus’ type. Taking this remedy would alleviate these anxieties most effectively.

Do not despair if you feel overwhelmed with this information, as there are many books and information online on the subject. Registered Bach Flower Practitioners are here to help and advise you. A good Practitioner will teach you how to treat yourself so that you can learn to naturally heal yourself independently. As stress and anxieties have been identified as causing 95% of all known diseases, using Bach flower remedies as effective stress busters will immensely improve your health.

What Bach flower for anxiety

‘What Bach flower for anxiety’ is a question that commands some deliberation and discussion. Anxiety can arise from a number of situations and so we need to establish whether the anxiety is personality based or specific to a set of circumstances. True to say, Dr Bach would describe individuals pertaining to being ‘anxiety types’ as presenting with a profile of timidity, shyness, hypersensitivity and being generally fearful of the world around them. They are quiet, may have phobias and do not readily share their fears with others. If you recognise most of these traits in yourself then the Bach flower remedy ‘Mimulus’ is the remedy to balance this anxiety which will help you develop more courage and free you toward living a fuller rewarding and less anxiety ridden life.

This said, we can be undergoing an anxious episode without actually fitting the profile of the Mimulus personality but taking the Bach flower remedy ‘Mimulus’ would be wholly appropriate to balance and calm our anxious state.

In turn another unbalanced emotion can create sleepless nights when the anxiety of feeling overwhelmed by work commitments or life demands, leaves us unable to cope with deadlines which can so easily take us over. This situation commands taking the Bach flower remedy ‘Elm’. This stressful anxious state will return us back to our previously capable selves where our temporary loss of confidence is smoothly restored.

Feeling anxious for other people’s safety particularly when they are close to us, is perfectly natural, however if this anxiety takes on such a level of intensity that we become extremely worried then taking the Bach flower remedy ‘Red Chestnut’ will help relieve us.

‘Aspen’ Bach flower remedy is taken when we become anxious but we just don’t know why, unlike the Mimulus state whereby we recognise the things or situation that is causing our anxiety.

Finally, I need to mention the stress buster of a Bach flower remedy cocktail known as ‘Rescue Remedy’ This remedy comprises of five remedies. Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. Clematis and Impatiens. This remedy is taken when we feel so stressed by a situation that it becomes all consuming. So extreme nerves arising from an imminent interview, driving test, exam, dental appointment etc might induce a state that can be effectively relieved by taking this remedy. The characteristics of Cherry Plum helps balance the emotion where we feel we are losing control akin to a volcano about to erupt. We take Rock Rose when we feel absolute terror and about to or having a panic attack. Clematis is for when we go into a dream-like state when under a lot of stress while Impatiens is for those who become very pushy with impatience urgently hurrying themselves and others along. Star of Bethlehem helps us combat being in a state of shock. When we are in a state of high emotional distress ‘Rescue remedy’ recognises all the emotions that can easily come into play and attenuates all those feelings to provide peace of mind and have us feel those situations that previously stressed us, now become manageable and achievable.

Do be aware of the temptation to take Rescue Remedy for any event and dismissing the effectiveness of remedies mentioned earlier, such as ‘Mimulus’ and ‘Elm’. However, do take complete solace in knowing that should we take the wrong remedy, the worst that will happen is the specific emotion we wish to treat will be totally unaffected. The remedies are pure and have no known side effects, are totally safe to be taken alongside conventional medication. We cannot overdose on Bach flower remedies. Matching the right remedy for the emotion being expressed will balance us toward anxiety free harmony.

It is possible to take more than one remedy, in fact we can take up to seven remedies at one time. 2 drops of each remedy are introduced into a 30ml bottle of spring water. Four drops of this mixture (as it is a cocktail of several remedies) is taken four times a day over a three week period. The drops may be taken directly in the mouth but can also be taken in any hot or cold drink, water or soup.

Should you be taking a single remedy, 2 drops can be taken directly from the stock bottle or two drops from the stock bottle are put into a 30ml bottle of spring water whereby 2 drops are taken ( as it is a single remedy) four times a day over a 3 week period.

So, the question ‘What Bach Flower for anxiety’ requires the questioner to reflect a little on their anxiety state and match the specific concern with the appropriate remedy to ensure total relief and peace of mind

Natural Alternatives to Paracetamol – disposing the anger

Pain killers that are natural, effective, non invasive without side effects can be produced by our own bodies if we follow a natural process open to us all.

So, in recognising you are continually plagued by chronic pain in this joint or another or perhaps you may suffer with aches from time to time. Either way, the chances are, that your body is feeding back to you that you are expressing anger and letting you know you need to release it. It is not unusual to have these aches and pains accompanied with periods of sheer exhaustion as we try to battle through our restricted movement.


Firstly we need to identify who and what we are angry at. It can so easily be a loved one that angers us. We can love this person dearly but at the same time they may have certain habits that we find extremely irritating. Rather than deal with them at the time, we instead feel it easier to just bear this frustration and ignore it by squashing that emotion deep down into our psyche. Months and even years of swallowing those irritating and angry moments take their toll in our bodies. Further damage is created by taking strong pain killers that also impact on healthy tissue altering their bio chemical balance and cell structure. We then continue to become exasperated when, our own GPS, Consultants and Specialists fail to remove our pain for us, after all, they are the experts aren’t they! At this point we need to recognise our own position in this scenario. Our bodies are screaming out for us to address those emotions that are at the end of the day are a form of energy. This energy form has its own atomic structure sending out vibrational energy that is interfering with the normal healthy vibration of your otherwise healthy body cells. So our painfully ailing body cells are crying out for you to externalise this angry feeling and free up your body of this internal pollutant. Your anger may have arisen from a set of frustrating circumstances, in which case, it is helpful to think back to when the pain started, then think what happened some weeks earlier, It may be people you had almost forgotten about linked with the situation. Now you are closer to finding the ad source of your anger and it could involve several people at any one time. Either way release work is imperative. We can do it by the following methods.


Writing a letter to the offending person stating why you are angry. However, this letter is not sent, but screwed up at the session end, jumped on and finally set alight safely outdoors. This may possible need to be repeated several times over several days.


Putting together an effigy from plasticine or playdough of the person that has angered you. You can pull off the arms, legs, head, whilst shouting out why they made you angry. Then of course let it go and hold no further malice toward this person.


Ripping newspapers with gusto is also an excellent form of externalizing anger whilst having the offending person in mind. Do this until you are totally spent with exhaustion.


Running off the anger to the point of exhaustion works well for many athletic types.


Punching pillows until you feel you have nothing left inside of you is also a good externalising option.


After the externalising process has been effected, it is now time to forgive. This does not mean you condone what was done to you but that you are no longer letting that person or situation to continue having any power over you. You recognise that the person did not know any better at that time and you are going to free yourself up for ever of any emotional attachment. If you can shrink that person to being a foolish child that has no true understanding of what they did, it will be easier to let go and forgive, because the individual did not behave to their chronological age but to the emotional age of an immature youngster. We set them free and so we set ourselves free. We forgive them.

Now feeling free, send love, wishing them well. In doing this you are following the principle of what goes round comes round, and thereby attracting ‘good’ into your life and so improving your overall well-being whilst dispensing with all that pain. Congratulate yourself for recruiting your endogenous natural pain killers by releasing your anger and engaging in forgiveness. Now go enjoy your pain free life with renewed vigour!

Overcoming Depression

Overcoming depression is undoubtedly a major challenge in any one’s life, particularly as it is a condition that is likely to affect one in every three of us. A major life event can trigger this condition in any one of us, creating an extreme sense of loss.

Once we have identified that our low moods seem to stubbornly overshadow every waking moment, it is important to seek medical advice. In the meantime there is a strategy we can use for ourselves to help us on our way toward recovery.


An effective strategy is to start being grateful for what we do have and to focus on what we actually have. Simplistic as this strategy may seem, it is in fact a very powerful tool. Let me firstly explain why.


When we feel so low that we begin to feel like life is synonymous to going through some endless dark colour-less painful tunnel, it is usually because we are experiencing some intense form of ‘lack’. This lack can result from a lack of love from a meaningful relationship, a lack of money from a change of circumstance, a lack of confidence/self-esteem from losing your job or status, a lack of life’s opportunities due to a life changing accident. These are just a few examples of many. Either way they all represent an intense form of loss, leaving us with what we think to be a bleak future. So, the answer lies in reversing this condition with our own inner resources. A quote from Albert Ellis (a renowned American Pschycologist) “You largely constructed your depression. It wasn’t given to you. Therefore you can deconstruct it”

Now, just before you feel immensely offended at the potential accusation that you alone are responsible for your depression, do take into account that depression is not necessarily inherited, but in fact is learned behaviour. If you come from a family seemingly plagued by depression it is only natural that you would have learned how to respond to life events by the behaviours you saw and copied, as well as the attitude of others around you influencing how you view the world and life opportunities around you. In growing up, your habits, or ways of thinking, would seem perfectly normal to you as that was the only way to be as you knew it. We can change the way we view the world as indeed the way we interact with it and of course how we view ourselves.


There are several strategies to fully overcome every possible negative thought we hold about ourselves but the one strategy we can more easily employ above any other to reverse that great sense of lack that presides so strongly with depression is “gratefulness”.


This strategy requires a 4 week commitment. You will notice an improvement very usually around the second and third week. So let’s begin:

On days one to three, each day think of five things for which you are grateful, examples might be:

‘I am grateful for having a roof over my head’

‘I am grateful for having somewhere to sleep’ (many are homeless, sleeping rough)

‘I am grateful that I have family that care’

‘I am grateful I have access to running water’

‘I am grateful for living in a country that allows freedom of movement’


On days four to seven think of 10 different things you are grateful for each day. There are so many things that we possibly take for granted, if you can think of more than ten different things each day then all the better! Celebrate your mobility, celebrate your level of income, celebrate your friends, celebrate your mobile with which to communicate, celebrate nature, the parks etc.


On days eight to ten be grateful for 15 things a day, on days. eleven to fourteen 25 different things. On days fifteen to twenty one, think of 35-40 things for which you are grateful. At this stage as you enter your final week, your ‘gratefulness juices’ should be flowing to such an extent that you are easily reaming off 50 and more different things to celebrate. You are likely to have begun developing a sense of appreciation and joy of those things around you in your life. At this stage there is every likelihood that your low moods will have improved somewhat in readiness to begin using positive self-talk which will help improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Those of you who have had long-standing depression may be further helped using the Bach Flower remedy ‘gorse’ to balance your sense of feeling a sense of total hopelessness.


In recognising the wealth of so many things that are good and positive around you, there is an increased likelihood that you will start engaging your emotions that were previously switched off. The emotional numbness previously experienced will very likely dissipate and become replaced with that wonderful sense of joy, as long as we allow ourselves to think and feel positively about ourselves – and why wouldn’t we?. It’s just down to choice, for whatever anyone told you, believe me, you are a miraculous being bursting with individual talent and you can achieve anything once you put your mind to it.

Overcoming depression is in fact a reversible process but requires effort and commitment as indeed is the case with all worthwhile projects. Applying the principle of gratefulness regularly on a daily basis for 28 days can not only improve our low moods but direct us toward a successful path of full recovery, opening us up to connecting with our emotions so we can begin to attract more positive things in our lives. It’s just down to choice, for whatever anyone told you, believe me, you are a miraculous being bursting with individual talent and you can achieve anything once you put your mind to it.

Beauty, Health and Life… Sustained and Nurtured by Words and Thoughts

Dr Masuru Emoto (A scientist), is known for discovering how water responds to the spoken, sung and written word. If the words are positive the frozen water will form symmetrically shaped crystals that look quite spectacular. As you might expect he found that if the water was exposed to negative words, the frozen water will form ugly shapes and if a crystal shape did appear, it was inclined to be very small and asymmetrical. As our bodies are 70% water it is easy to correlate the crystal phenomena to how we function when exposed to negative or positive messages.

Further tests using cooked rice created interesting results. One jar of rice was totally ignored, another was called ‘you fool’ and the third jar of rice was told ‘ I thank you’ On repeating these same interactions regularly each day, the jar of rice that had been ignored turned black, the jar of rice that was called ‘you fool’ turned brown whilst the jar of rice that was told ‘I thank you’ started to turn yellow. This experiment has been repeated my many others with exactly the same results.

Imagine what we are doing to ourselves if we use lots of self talk that is negative. Most of the time we are unaware of our thoughts as we tend to flow on automatic. Deepak Chopra, a qualified doctor and author of the metaphysical, a specialist in the field of alternative medicine, states that we have approximately 90,000 thoughts a day. Over 70.000 of these thoughts are the same thoughts we had yesterday, as we are having today and will have tomorrow. So, it is important that we start to increase our awareness about what we are thinking and what we are feeling if we are to maintain optimum health.

So, if we catch ourselves thinking something negative, stop it immediately with a positive image of something that makes you go soft at the knees,. For some it might be thoughts of soft fluffy kittens, for others a cute small, nephew, niece or baby. Maybe an exotic holiday scene or a favoured video clip does it for you. Whatever it is, place this image firmly in your mind. It will negate the negative thoughts, as you can only have one thought in your mind at a time, so ensure it is a positive one. Now make a positive affirmation or statement, so for instance, if you were thinking earlier that you are rubbish at tidying up feeling down by a messy room, tell yourself ‘I am good at clearing up and enjoy it’ Put on some music and dance to it as you get on task. Treat yourself for completing the task, making sure you associate positive actions with the task and turning it into a positive experience. Go to the mirror so you see and hear yourself say ‘Well done, what a fantastic job, the room is so tidy and lovely’.

The positive vibrations and actions will make you feel good and boost your sense of well being and your immune system. This same process can be applied to any situation that might feel initially overwhelming. In fact, use this process in reversing a negative thought you are holding of yourself. Repeat this process regularly and you will begin to believe in your own worth more and more. This will add sparkle to your being, and make you very attractive for others to be with.

We all know instinctively that to obtain the best results from people, we need to be optimistic of their worth and supportive of their efforts, so why would we do anything less for ourselves? Interestingly our culture has us place our energies in others but not in ourselves. This is a form of conditioning from which we need to break free. Promise yourself today that you will be realistically positive about your own worth, that you will support yourself well when you are less than perfect, using language that is positive, appreciative and encouraging. Now just watch your life take off as you grow into the person you were always meant to be and let every droplet of your being crystallize into something quite amazing.

To remain positive in any set back take the Bach Flower Remedy ‘Gentian’ . If you are inclined to think and feel everything is pointless – give yourself a fresh outlook with ‘Gorse’ If you find it hard to be positive because you tend to be fearful then take ‘Mimulus’.

Can Bach Flower Remedies be Mixed?

I have often been asked if Bach Flower Remedies can be mixed, and the answer is an emphatical yes.

Bach flower remedies are the perfect remedy for any emotions that are out of balance that create a state of mild anxiety to absolute anguish and all the emotions in between. As there are thirty eight remedies there is a cocktail of remedies that can be taken at anyone time to suit the emotional imbalances being experienced at any particular moment.

When a major event occurs, we are usually affected with a range of emotions rather than a solitary one. We would therefore address those particular emotions and put together a mixture of up to seven remedies in the same treatment bottle to redress this imbalance.


For example, If we were to experience losing our job unexpectedly, depending on our own genetic make-up, this might present as a shock to us, likely to cause mental distress and placing us in a state of disbelief, so we would consider taking the remedy, Star of Bethlehem to harmonize this emotion. We would naturally go about applying for new positions, but if difficulties presented in having our applications acknowledged let alone converted into interviews we may feel so dejected we might consider stopping altogether. In this instance we may require the remedy Gentian. Gentian helps us get over setbacks quite quickly and getting us back on track.

If, on the other hand we make the decision that completing job applications is a totally hopeless exercise then taking the remedy Gorse would place us in a position of valuing the process of job seeking and we are likely to regain hope in securing a new job.

Should we start to withdraw from friends and people generally because that is how we tend to react when unhappy with our circumstances and preferring to be alone, then the remedy Water Violet is ideal for getting us to re-engage with others again.

If we begin to become fearful of losing our home, for fear of never getting another job with a secure income, then the remedy Mimulus would be most helpful to regain courage in this area and release the overwhelming emotion of fear and free us to re-focus on action that needs to be taken.

Of course our confidence could also be temporarily lost so Elm is the remedy to take to regain our confidence in our skills again. However if your confidence is lost to the extent that you no longer try for a job as you believe you will never be good enough to ever succeed then the remedy Larch would be more appropriate to raise your self-esteem.

You may start to become, touchy and argumentative as a consequence of your circumstances which would suggest taking the remedy Holly so you can return to your former calmer self whilst others find you more approachable.


Our thoughts do support our emotions so whilst taking the Bach Flower remedies it is highly recommended to make affirmations (positive self-talk) for each of the emotions we are intending to correct and balance. In this way we are likely to create good habits in supporting our moods and maintaining good health.


Any major event, such as losing one’s job, could have the impact of affecting your emotions to the extent that six of the eight emotions mentioned above could be the ones that are out of balance. We would address this anguish with a cocktail of six remedies. For some individuals a major event can unbalance many more and a different range of emotions in a short period of time after the event.


Two drops of each remedy is added to a 30ml bottle of spring water. Spring water is preferred to tap water as it is purer and is free of additives such as chlorine. A teaspoon of brandy or glycerine or cider vinegar is added to act as a natural preservative. The remedies will blend naturally together and work energetically together to help you transcend from distress to a calmer state. Four drops of this treatment bottle of remedies are then taken four times a day, taken via the dropper directly into the mouth, or put into any hot or cold drink. It can even be rubbed on the temples of the forehead. There are no known side effects, and can be safely taken with conventional medicine. When we balance the emotions by taking these remedies over a three week period, we remove the stress and we balance our own bio-chemistry so our cells can re-generate and heal. Be aware that new emotions may pop up that need balancing for us to regain full health.


Knowing that we can mix Bach flower remedies to create a healing treatment cocktail to balance our emotions towards mental and physical radiance, helps provide us with the courage, motivation and energy to re-design our lives for the better and achieve good health.

Getting Motivated to Achieve

Whatever the project we have in mind, it clearly has value for us to do it well. Whether it be improving techniques for a favoured sport, learning a language or learning how to cook, similar challenges lie ahead.


When we set about wanting to succeed in a project, we may feel on the one hand really excited but on the other, rather daunted. We may find ourselves lacking the commitment to make it a reality for ourselves. It is important to remember that every one of us has a range of inherent unique talents waiting to be developed into something quite special. So getting into a positive state of mind first, is the key to taking that initial step.


Begin, by focusing on your existing knowledge and experience. Reflect back on previous hobbies and achievements with the progress you made. What was your learning style? What motivated you initially? Do you perform better in groups or your own? Create the right environment for yourself to start achieving. Do you work better in the mornings or evenings? If music helps ensure it is playing in the background.


Fill your mind with images of you achieving your goal. How will you feel when you have achieved it? Who will be applauding your success with you?  Will you be holding a winner’s trophy or gaining a well earned certificate of achievement or perhaps a professional qualification? Will this award be presented and celebrated in a public place? Who will be celebrating with you? How will your celebration look?

Where will that goal take you? Will it be an opening for another career or become an exciting leisure activity once you have mastered it?. Will it make you lots of new friends and expand your social life? Will it improve your financial status providing you with more choices in your life? Will you become an authority on a specialist subject? How many people will benefit from your expertise? This form of positive imagery will help drive you to start your adventure with passion and commitment to remain motivated throughout the process.


Now recognize there are many steps or stages in the process of learning a new skill. Be patient and chunk it down. Pace yourself. It’s all about you learning a new skill and knowledge and less about comparing your progress with someone else. Acknowledge your progress as you go, recognizing how far you have come at each stage along the process. Celebrate this1


Now choose your role model. Watch what they do, study them, read about them, find out what drives them and as you learn and refine the techniques for your sport or activity you will begin to achieve your own level of excellence.


The more progress you make the more successful you will feel. The more successful you feel, the more excited you will get, the more excited you get, the more you will persevere when perseverance is ultimately needed to take you to the next level. Success breeds success, your confidence increases, your self image expands. You learn to develop your own inner radar in your chosen activity or field so that your own creativity blossoms and your ability to develop and create new elements to your chosen activity start coming into play,

The more time you commit the more accomplished you become and the greater you develop your intuition, your knowledge, your skills, your expertise. All these combine to create something quite spectacular.

We see in our top Footballers, our top Chefs and top Architects, a craft that is so amazingly beautiful it sometimes defies human belief, leaving us onlookers totally enraptured in the very creations we thought were beyond possibility.



There is an amazing joy in achieving but only if we dare to commit. By developing our own expertise we bring joyful enrichment to others who wish to replicate it and magnify this joy. Can you imagine how fantastic our planet would be if we all got motivated to make those small changes with phenomenal results.


If you need focus to stay on track and achieve, then take the Bach Flower Remedy ‘Vine’

To ensure you choose your correct career path, take ‘Wild Oat’ To correct a tendency to changing your mind several times a day, take ‘Scleranthus’. To be mindful and concentrate on the task, rather than day dream take ‘Clematis’. Take ‘Hornbeam’ to counter the feeling of being in a rut’.

For Sheer Relaxation, Simplicity is the Key

Most of us are aware that the top sport professionals are well supported in their game, with a team of specialists. Mind Gurus or Mind Coaches count amongst them. Most of us are also aware of the profound impact our minds have on our ability to succeed in any task or venture. Understandably such support from Mind coaches can be prohibitive in terms of cost and possibly time, so how can we obtain the similar benefits for our sporting game that are both affordable yet effective?


The simplest way to achieve total mental control is through the process of regularly practicing relaxation techniques by focusing on your breathing. This alone, may pose a challenge for many as ‘inner mind’ chatter can so easily disrupt the process. To avoid your ‘jumping thoughts’ taking over the relaxation session, it may help to consciously take yourself through a form of guided imagery whilst you relax into your breathing. (Sitting in an upright position)


An example of this is to imagine a globe of golden light above your head. This ball of light is surrounded by a soft mist. Breathe in, slowly and deeply into your abdomen, and then very slowly exhale. On your third intake of breath, envisage the golden mist of calming light entering your nostrils, swirling around your head and into your neck. In doing so your jaw is loose and relaxed.


On your next intake of breath the golden light sends waves of relaxation down to your arms and finger-tips, returns back up your arms to flow across your chest and down towards your hips. You now feel heavy but wonderfully relaxed as you feel your pelvis sink into the sofa. As the golden light continues along your thighs and swirls around your knees, you feel every cell of your body is refreshingly embraced with peace, calm and health. This wonderful golden flow of relaxation now gently works it way down to your calves, your ankles and then your toes. Your whole body is now surrounded by the golden mist and continues to be bathed by this wonderfully energizing yet calming source. You feel good, you feel energized yet you are totally calm and in control of your emotions. Now open your eyes, wriggles your fingers and return to your fully wakeful state.


By practicing this technique regularly you will be better able to tap into the state of a calm with a focused mind at will, to engage a positive outlook.

Now visualize yourself playing each hole of your game of golf, or each shot of tennis or lifting weights in the gym. This technique is also effective for practising other skills such as giving a talk or presentations. Know, hat when you visualize and play through a video in your mind your body cells are stimulated and fired up as though you were physically doing it. In this way your brain cells and muscle cells are primed and prepared to produce the same results when called upon during an actual game of sport or presentation to an audience.


If you find yourself very tense consider taking the Bach Flower Remedy ‘ Vervain’. If you find yourself snatching at your game or hurrying others along, take ‘Impatiens’, whilst ‘Scleranthus’ helps you balance scattered thinking and jumping thoughts.

You Should: It’s Time to Stop

We learn all our values and opinions on a range of topics, such as religion, gender, money, work, sex, leisure etc by the age of 5. That’s because as children we absorb all the opinions and thoughts of those around us, as we are growing up. We buy into the culture we are born into, believing it to be perfectly normal and grow up with the ideals of that culture. It is only when we are older that we begin to question some of these values but more often than not we just accept them. We very often accept them because we don’t want to rock the boat as it were. We feel it important to comply and be grateful to those who have nurtured us with these values until…. these same values that created a code of safety and predictability when we were young can begin to cause strife as we discover who we are becoming in early adulthood..


If we were brought up believing heterosexuality is the absolute norm, then we might find the thought of homosexuality very uncomfortable, so if we have feelings for the same gender we may begin to feel incredibly guilty, because we should only maintain heterosexual relationships. We comply with the rules our society or culture imposes, by denying ourselves of same gender love, enchaining ourselves to a life of absolute misery and emotional deprivation whilst suppressing our feelings of intense guilt.


Our family might tell us we should be academic when we know so deeply that we want to become an Athlete. We might be told by others that we should loose weight, when we are quite happy being our current size. We might be told we should be tidier, for no will tolerate our relaxed living style. And so the examples go on, so we risk ‘shoulding’ on ourselves.


So lets start removing the word ‘should’ from our English language as it makes us out to be wrong. This approach of ‘shoulding’ on ourselves can so easily leave us with a demoralizing sense of failure, and feeling inadequate. As a result we may become hard on ourselves. This in turn can create resistance and inner tension, so rather than giving ourselves a hard time and becoming despondent about ourselves, lets begin to recognize that instead, we have in our hands a wonderfully golden opportunity. The opportunity to identify and change that which makes us feel so unhappy and begin to shed someone else’s values for our very own. It is important we become true to ourselves..

Lets start using the word ‘could’ instead. So,’ I could be academic, but I don’t want to as I have little interest in pouring over books as a career choice and I absolutely love athletics’..’ I could loose weight but I prefer not to as I enjoy maintaining my energy levels at this weight to keep up with all the activities that I enjoy’, ‘I could be tidier but actually much rather enjoy doing other things that excite me and my charity work’.


By using the word ‘could’ to replace the word ‘should’ we begin to liberate ourselves, leaving us free to express ourselves as our nature intended. Everyone of us has a range of unique talents to nurture, explore and develop and so enriching this wonderful planet with a greater diversity of talent, skills and expertise- if only we allow ourselves!

If you find yourself becoming very disciplined and principled, following a strict programme because you feel you should, whilst also forfeiting opportunities to enjoy yourself then take the Bach Flower Remedy ‘Rock Water’ which will help you relax, balancing discipline with times for fun to have a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Can You Overdose on Bach Flower Remedies?

Can you overdose on Bach Flower Remedies? This is a question I am sometimes asked by people who are unfamiliar with Bach Flower Remedies. I answer with an emphatic ‘No’.

Bach Flower Remedies are totally safe and have no side effects and therefore Bach Flower therapy is a risk free system to use in self-healing. Even though 50% of the remedy stock bottle comprises of brandy acting as a very effective natural preservative, only 2 drops of this remedy will be used in a 30 ml bottle of spring water to make up a treatment bottle. The contents of this treatment bottle will be taken over a 3 week period so the alcohol content is almost negligible. Typically a treatment bottle may hold seven remedies comprising of 14 drops of the stock bottle remedies. If a young child were to consume the whole contents of a treatment bottle they will come to no harm, as the tiny amount of alcohol present in the bottle is too small to have any effect.

There are no plant parts present in any Bach Flower treatment and therefore there are no physical components of any concentration to constitute an overdose. The active elements of each Bach flower remedy is the floral vibration at which it spins, much like the protons and neutrons spinning around the nucleus of every atom of a substance. Science has shown that thoughts are an energetic entity now detectable by sophisticated imaging devices. It is only a question of time for science to catch up further and show the vibrational energy of emotions. Every emotion is preceded with a thought. The Bach Flower Remedies spin at their own particular vibrational level which helps harmonize the emotional energy that is otherwise functioning disharmoniously and causing disease.

We cannot overdose on Bach Flower Remedies as we cannot overdose on vibrational energy, yet this source of healing works without interfering with any drugs, meaning they can be safely taken alongside all conventional medication.

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